Monday, November 16, 2009

Enter WattDepotCLI Branch Umi v2.0-ish

WattDepotCLI Branch Umi v.2 can be downloaded here.

After reading through all the reviews/comments made on Branch Umi, it was time to put those review to good use and polish up our system. This assignment has been like no other in my previous ICS classes. The major difference being working with a partner. I know I could've sworn I wish I could work with a partner in the lower entry Java classes. It's not until now I can see the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. Using SE tools such as Ant, SVN, and automated quality assurance tools did make the sharing process easier, but the one element that cannot be done by a computer is the cooperation and output done by another person. What I mean by that can be said as "Two heads are better than one," throughout this WattDepot experience sometimes this was true and other times it wasn't.

For the last stages of version 2 implementation, we were introduced to the Hackystat Project, which is sort of a Software ICU (Intensive Care Unit), which monitors our WattDepot projects "vital signs", such as Commits, Lines of Code, complexity, coupling, etc. Hudson just barely scrapes the idea of this and Hackystat takes project monitoring to a whole new level.

The initial implementation of version 1 of Branch Umi satisfied the functionality requirements set for v1.0, but a lot of the reviews that were done said we now need to focus on creating a high quality design complete with test cases and separate packages for the classes. The system does not implement all command set by the specifications of version 2.0, the command that was not implemented was the last command 2.13 carboncontent. My partner and I decided to forgo 2.13 and focus on quality with what we have. The test cases that we have only check that each command outputs known values, we did not test for invalid inputs. The quality of our system could have been better through test cases, but we have nothing to show for it. I tried to delegate this task to my partner, but I ended up doing some of the basic tests. With the test cases that we do have, Emma reports:
  • class: 86% (18/21)
  • method: 84% (38/45)
  • block: 55% (2185/3980)
  • line: 61% (464.3/755)
The coverage on the surface looks pretty good. Most of the methods and classes have been used throughout the tests, but once you look at block and line portions of the report, we can see that roughly half of all code we implemented is being tested. So even though the first few lines seem okay, when it comes down to the last 2 it shows the "real" extent of the tests.

As far as group process, I am a little disappointed we didn't meet more often. There was also the problem of what do we actually do when we did meet. Obviously the task at hand was to complete the project, but how do we go about splitting it up. My partner seemed like he just wanted to be told what to do than actually taking initiative in doing things. Which is fine by me except when the person doesn't put out... I feel as though if I were to take more initiative and really did tell him what to do I'd feel bossy, which I don't, but I guess with what's at stake it can't be helped, but I digress.

The Hackystat sensors we installed in our project was something that I thought was interesting and cool. Seeing the colored bars on the progress of our project really adds perspective in the health of our project. We can also see where our project is heading, whether the changes we make are for the better or actually worsen the condition. It sure beats looking at Sunny/Cloudy/Thunderstorm icon in Hudson, and provides more meaningful information both currently and in trend.
Here's a screen shot of that latest Hackystat Analysis for Branch Umi:

(You'll have to click it to get a larger zoom)

We can see that there's a mixture of red and greed. The coverage from our test cases has been steadily increasing, but the number 62.0 is yellow meaning the coverage is about average, but not that great. Complexity is surprisingly high, but this is probably due to the large amount of if-statements used to check the form of each command. Coupling looks great, this is due to the splitting of each command into their own Java class. It took awhile to get everything configured properly for Hackystat to receive sensor data both from our Command Lines and Eclipse so Hackystat could have missed about a days worth of data. So the last parts DevTime, Commit, Build and Test show some activity but it's hard to get a clear sense of where it's headed.

The last part of the assignment we were to answer a few questions to test our functionality of our WattDepot implementation. Unfortunately we did not get to finish implementing the last command, carboncontent, so we are unable to do the last two questions.

What day and time during the month was Oahu energy usage at its highest? How many MW was this?
Command: power generated SIM_OAHU_GRID timestamp 2009-11-26T20:00:00.00-10:00

What day and time during the month was Oahu energy usage at its lowest? How many MW was this?
Command: power generated SIM_OAHU_GRID timestamp 2009-11-28T02:45:00.000-10:00

What day during the month did Oahu consume the most energy? How many MWh was this?
Command: powerstats generated SIM_OAHU_GRID day 2009-11-26 sampling-interval 60 statistic max

What day during the month did Oahu consume the least energy? How many MWh was this?
Command: powerstats generated SIM_OAHU_GRID day 2009-11-26 sampling-interval 60 statistic min

What day during the month did Oahu emit the most carbon (i.e. the "dirtiest" day)? How many lbs of carbon were emitted?

What day during the month did Oahu emit the least carbon (i.e. the "cleanest" day)? How many lbs of carbon were emitted?

In order to get the correct dates to enter, I actually had to pull up excess data and stare at a bunch of output until I've seen the appropriate number. From there, I simply recorded the timestamp and entered the corresponding command to elicit the correct output.

I've also asked another developer, Kendyll Doi, about how to approach this problem. He had an interesting idea of using the Chart command to get a general idea of peaks and valleys during each day, then using the powerstats command trying different timestamps to verify the minimum and maximum energy.

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