Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Outside Insight on Wattdepot-Cli Branch Umi

In my previous post I had completed reviewing two other branches of the Wattdepot-cli; projects Eha and Elima. Yesterday, my partner and I sat down and reviewed the comments that were left by those who had our branch as their assignment.

The reviewers for our branch were:

For the most part, my partner and I generally knew where are system lacked. Most of the comments centered around test cases, as we had none, package documentation, and overall design of the system. There were some specific errors that were mentioned, but those could be fixed without any major repercussions.

What we need to do is to:
  • Separate each method into it's own class
  • Have separate packages for processor and command
  • Add more descriptive JavaDocs and explain how each package interacts with each other
  • Re-code some lines because the Wattdepot library was recently updated

Reviewing other branches made me realize there were more efficient ways of doing things such as creating a Parent list of all sources, and when writing out to a file, how to display the absolute file path so the user knows exactly where to look to find the output file. I will end up adapting code from other branches to make our source code look more elegant and straight forward. The checklist that Prof. Johnson provided made the review experience straight forward and pleasant. Now that I have a basis for reviewing code, I know what things to spot for when reviewing future projects both mine and others.

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